Considering Orthodontic Treatment Part 3: Correcting Your Bite

Orthodontic treatment not only moves crooked teeth so they are beautiful and straight, it corrects major bite problems. Although “bad bites” can seem subtle, and may not present noticeable symptoms, a bite that doesn’t fit well together can result in long-term consequences. Correcting these bites are a must.

If your teeth are crooked, your bite is likely to be off and you will benefit greatly from orthodontic treatment. When it comes to bites that don’t fit together well, the best possible scenario is to correct your bite early and choose a provider who can identify and treat bite problems.

The question is, even when symptoms seem nonexistent, “Why is my bite so important?”

3 Consequences of a Bad Bite

You may not notice an issue now but, sooner or later, unnoticed bite problems will catch up with you. Here are 3 main consequences that can result from your bite being off:

  1. Pain

A bite that doesn’t fit well together can result in several types of pain: tooth pain, jaw pain, and muscular pain which can include migraine headaches. A “bad bite” can result in pain during jaw movement, difficulty opening your mouth, or inability to open it at all. Tooth pain can be caused by a bite that is off by just a fraction of a millimeter. Muscular pain and unexplained headaches can also a result of a “bad bite.”

  1. Wear

Teeth that do not fit together properly may grind and wear out significantly. Over time, the enamel can wear so that the inside of the tooth becomes exposed. Fillings can’t fix the problem and crowns may be necessary in this case.

  1. Gums

Unfavorable or excessive forces on teeth not only will the teeth prematurely wear, but also will harm the gums and supporting bone. This gum recession can be painful and difficult to fix.

Early Prevention by Correcting Your Bite

Preventing pain, significant tooth wear and gum recession by correcting your bite early is the best option. Dealing with bite issues proactively is less painful, less expensive, and less complex than encountering consequences as they happen. You bite is something that can be off for a while and not cause a lot of problems, until it does. Problems with your bite, left ignored or left uncovered, will result in long-term, often painful and expensive, consequences.

Making the effort to seek orthodontic treatment and find a high-quality provider warrants treatment that will proactively address any bite issues you may have. One potentially unfavorable solution to these problems is to remove permanent teeth, which we will address thoroughly in Part 4 of this series.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Braces

Despite all the advancements in orthodontic treatment, traditional metal braces still have their place. They are great at straightening teeth and correcting bites and can be effective in cases where other treatment solutions, like Invisalign, aren’t advised.

As you know, metal braces are comprised of brackets attached to individual teeth and a wire linking them together. They are on the teeth continuously from the start of treatment to the end. For that reason, they need some special TLC.

To keep your braces in the best shape, and keep your treatment time on track, follow these DOs and DON’Ts for as long as you’re wearing braces.

The Dos and Don’ts Of Braces

Do continue to brush your teeth regularly. Brush at least three times a day; it’s even better if you can brush after every meal and snack, so that food doesn’t get caught in your braces. It’s important to keep both the surface of your teeth and your braces clean.

Don’t forget to floss. While flossing is more involved with braces, it’s still incredibly important in keeping your teeth and gums healthy, and it shouldn’t be ignored. Use a floss threader (a small loop made of plastic) to guide the floss behind the wire so you can floss fully.

Do follow your orthodontist’s instructions, including wearing elastic bands (if you have them) for the hours prescribed.

Don’t skip orthodontic appointments. It’s important to see your orthodontist regularly during care. If you skip appointments, you could be adding time onto your treatment, and no one wants that.

Do tell your orthodontist if you’re involved in sports like football, rugby, and hockey, so you can get a protective mouthguard fitted to protect your braces and your teeth.

Don’t worry if you feel mild discomfort after an orthodontist visit. Tightening braces can lead to mild, temporary pain that will go away on its own or can be treated with an over-the-counter painkiller. If a wire is poking into your cheek and causing discomfort, use wax on the end to make it more comfortable.

Do call your orthodontist’s office immediately if a bracket comes loose. This is something that should be fixed sooner rather than later.

Don’t skip regular dentist visits while you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment. Keeping your teeth clean is important, so schedule visits every six months while your braces are on.

Do avoid foods that can harm your braces or can be very difficult to clean, including:

  • Sticky and chewy foods like caramels, candies, and gum
  • Crunchy foods like nuts, popcorn, and hard pretzels
  • Foods you bite into like corn on the cob, apples, carrots, and ice cubes
  • Drinks like soft drinks, energy drinks, and juices, which are full of sugar

Don’t chew on pens, pencils, fingernails, and other objects.

Do smile!

Following the Dos and Don’ts

I don’t expect my patients to be perfect 100% of the time, but I expect them to try and do their best, and you should, too. If you do, you’ll keep your treatment on track and end up with the results you’re after.

The Technologies That Are Reshaping Orthodontics

New orthodontic technologies. One of my passions is keeping up on the latest in orthodontics. I always want to know what technologies are right around the corner and which new techniques my colleagues are using to get better, faster results. At my practice in Michigan, we strive to offer the most cutting-edge treatment options available to our patients.


You’ve heard of traditional braces, retainers, headgear, and Invisalign, I’m guessing. Today I want to introduce you to some other orthodontic treatments and technologies you may not have heard of, some of which may be right for you or your family.


More Than Just Metal Braces

The world of orthodontics has changed a lot in the past few decades, and there are many more options now than there were back when I was a kid. In the evolution of orthodontics, the goal has always been to develop new options that work faster, are more comfortable or convenient, and deliver great results. Here are some of the most popular technologies and treatment options we use in my practice, and what makes them better than traditional options.


iTero: This is the world’s leading digital camera for use inside the mouth. The impressionless scanner creates a 3D model of a patient’s teeth and eliminates the need for physical impressions (which can be messy and time-consuming) and helps orthodontists come up with a custom treatment plan for each patient.  And, all of this is done without radiation of any kind. It’s a three-dimensional video camera.


Damon System: These braces may not look too different from traditional braces, since they are made up of (clear) brackets and a wire, but they work in a different way. They’re “self-ligating” braces, so instead of the bracket on each tooth being tightened to the wire to move teeth, Damon System uses a slide mechanism. Compared to traditional braces, these can be more comfortable and the treatment time is often faster, sometimes by a matter of several months.


Incognito: Incognito braces look very different from traditional braces because you can’t see them at all! These are lingual braces, meaning they are attached to the tongue side of the teeth. You can straighten your teeth without the dreaded metal mouth.


Insignia Custom Smile Design: This technology uses the impressionless scanners (mentioned above) plus sophisticated computer software to make a digital model of your teeth and develop a treatment plan, complete with wires and brackets custom made for you. The power of Insignia is in its ability to personalize treatment, and patients who use Insignia often see faster results with more comfort along the way.


Bite Turbos and Bite Props: Rather than a complete system of braces, Bite Turbos and Bite Props are small, temporary appliances that are attached to individual teeth when patients have top and bottom braces at the same time. They prevent upper teeth from “biting off” the lower braces, which can add more visits to the orthodontist and lengthen treatment time. Bite Turbos are attached to the back of front teeth while Bite Props are attached to the biting surface of back teeth. Bite Turbos and Bite Props can significantly reduce treatment time.


Brasik: Brasik combines several of these treatments above to give patients the best results in the shortest amount of time. Many patients who choose Brasik complete treatment in as little as 6 or 8 months. Brasik uses impressionless scanning, Damon System braces, Insignia customization, and other technologies. (Fun fact: I actually coined the term “Brasik”– I joked with my patients that people wanted Lasik for braces, hence, Brasik.)  If you are looking for the race car of orthodontic treatment, this is it.  Super fast and super safe.


Know What Your Options Are

Orthodontics and orthodontic treatment is changing rapidly in some areas.  But, many of the basics are still the same.  A skilled doctor and dedicated team to make treatment and patient experience meet or exceed your expectations. I think it’s important for patients to be informed before they make decisions about their orthodontic care. If you see an orthodontist who suggests a treatment plan for you, do some research. See what the pros and cons are, and look at the alternatives, too. If someone suggests tooth extractions, headgear, or a treatment plan that lasts more than two years, get another opinion to see if you have other options available to you.


Know What Your Options Are

Orthodontics and orthodontic treatment is changing rapidly in some areas.  But, many of the basics are still the same.  A skilled doctor and dedicated team to make treatment and patient experience meet or exceed your expectations. I think it’s important for patients to be informed before they make decisions about their orthodontic care. If you see an orthodontist who suggests a treatment plan for you, do some research. See what the pros and cons are, and look at the alternatives, too. If someone suggests tooth extractions, headgear, or a treatment plan that lasts more than two years, get another opinion to see if you have other options available to you.

The Dr. Jamie Reynolds Story

It surprises me how often people ask me not about teeth, but about myself. Questions like, “Why did you become an orthodontist?” and “Growing up, did you always know you wanted to be an orthodontist?” So I thought I’d write a little bit about my story and how I ended up where I am today.


My first passion


I grew up in Lake Orion, Michigan, about 45 minutes outside of Detroit, a town that did (and still does) manufacture cars. My dad, Bob, worked for the phone company and my mom, Jane, was a special education teacher for the blind until my sister, Erin, was born. From our family and our community, my sister and I grew up valuing education, hard work, honesty, and integrity.


I did not, however, grow up knowing that orthodontics was in my future. For a long time, I had my sights set on sports, believe it or not. I dreamed of being a basketball player, like my hero Isiah Thomas of the Detroit Pistons. But my basketball skills didn’t take me past high school.


In college, I turned my attention towards exercise physiology with the plan of becoming an athletic trainer. As long as I was close to sports, I would be happy. I gave up basketball but found a new passion in volleyball, making captain of the team and eventually garnering all-Big Ten and all-region honors. This continued past college, when I did the pro beach two-on-two sand volleyball circuit. I left that life behind, too, though I still get to the beach as often as possible.


A new passion


Volleyball was not a sustainable career, I knew, and I eventually found my way to orthodontics. I earned my dental degree from the University of Michigan (where I also earned my undergraduate degree) and my master’s in orthodontics from the University of Detroit-Mercy.


After completing my residency in orthodontics, I started working for Spillane Orthodontics in Novi, Michigan, the town where my wife is from and about 45 minutes from where I grew up. It’s called Spillane & Reynolds Orthodontics now, and it’s where I see patients to this day. We still have our Novi location as well as additional locations in Rochester Hills, Troy, and West Bloomfield.


I’ve found that in order to serve my patients best, I have to do more than treat them in the chair. It’s my goal to be a part of the latest, most cutting-edge developments in orthodontic treatments and technologies. To that end, I’ve been involved in clinical trials that help bring sophisticated new technology to the field, I’ve been a consultant for various orthodontic companies, I’ve lectured on three continents, and I’ve even written a book, World-Class Smiles, Made in Detroit, in order to reach as many people as possible.


Passion and philosophy in action


Over the years, my passion for orthodontics and philosophy of patient care has led me to my mission: to bring world-class orthodontic treatment to the people in my community in a way that everyone can afford.


To do that, I’ve had to get the world-class training, skills, and experience that would allow me to provide that level of service. I’ve also had to ensure that my services were affordable for the families in my community. Having grown up in a blue-collar town myself, I understand how hard people work and what an investment it is for families to give their kids orthodontic treatment.


This led me to cofound OrthoFi, a company that allows patients to receive high-quality, leading-edge orthodontic treatment affordably. I’m proud to say that it’s helped hundreds of thousands of people get the care they need in a way that works for them. I believe that everyone deserves a healthy, beautiful smile, and OrthoFi helps with that mission.


Looking back


It’s funny to look back and see where my career has taken me since my dreams of basketball glory in high school. Although I could never have predicted the path my life would take, I know I’m in the right place, doing what I love, and making a difference in the lives of the people I serve.

How often should you see your orthodontist?

How often should you see your orthodontist? As often as it takes to get the job done!

Really, this question is so dependent on individual circumstances that there’s no single answer to it. You know to see the dentist once a year, and to visit the hygienist twice a year, but how many times you see the orthodontist will depend on your treatment.

The First Visit to the Orthodontist

The first visit to the orthodontist should happen by the time a child is seven years old, according to the American Association of Orthodontists. At this age, permanent teeth haven’t fully grown in and both the upper jaw and lower jaw are still growing, which gives time for early intervention if needed.

If the child is one of the 80% who doesn’t need early treatment, this will be the only visit to the orthodontist until they’re older. If they do need early treatment, the number of visits will depend on the treatment being done.

How Often to See the Orthodontist During Treatment With Braces

Patients with traditional braces can expect to see their orthodontist every four to eight weeks throughout treatment. At these visits, the orthodontist will check the progress of your teeth and may tighten the braces or replace the wires.

Similarly, patients with Invisalign will typically visit their orthodontist every four to six weeks in order to make sure everything’s on track.

After the Braces Come Off

Once the braces come off, your orthodontist may still want to see you in order to ensure your teeth don’t start moving back to their old positions. To this end, removable retainers (the plastic things that are so often thrown away on lunch trays at school) and permanent retainers (a wire bonded to the back of teeth to keep them in place) will likely be used.

You will need to visit your orthodontist in order to be fitted for a removable retainer or to have a permanent retainer attached. If you have a removable retainer, your orthodontist may then want you back after a month or two to see if it’s time to go from all-day wear to night-only wear. If you have a permanent retainer, you will only need to go back to the orthodontist if it comes loose and needs repair, or until it’s time to take it off altogether.

How Often to See the Orthodontist During Treatment with Headgear, Expanders, and Other Appliances

Not all orthodontic treatment involves braces. Other appliances, including headgear, expanders, face masks, and functional appliances, are used to address jaw, bite, and teeth issues.

No matter what the treatment option, your orthodontist will want to see you regularly to make sure everything is going along as planned and make any adjustments as necessary. Visiting your orthodontist every four to eight weeks during active treatment is common.

Keeping Orthodontic Appointments

No matter what orthodontic treatment you or your child is undergoing, it’s important to keep your appointments with the orthodontist. Orthodontic treatment is progressive, meaning that changes happen over time, and without visits to the orthodontist to check and make adjustments, that progress can get off track. While the orthodontist will do everything possible to ensure great treatment, it’s up to you to follow through to get the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted.

The Right Age for Braces

“When is the right time for braces?” This is a common question from parents about their children. But I think they’re asking the wrong question; when they think of orthodontic care, they think that means braces to straighten teeth, but there’s so much more to it.

The right question is, “When is the right time for my child to start orthodontic care?” The answer: It depends. It depends on the issue, it depends on the available treatment options, and it depends on the parents and the child.

I know that answer isn’t very helpful, so let me go into more depth so you have a better understanding and can make an informed decision for your child’s care.

Why Visit the Orthodontist by Age 7?

Let’s start with the American Association of Orthodontists recommendation that all children visit an orthodontist by the age of seven. This may seem very young, but there are a few good reasons for it.

First, a child’s jaw is not fully grown at this age; the upper jaw grows until about eight, while the lower jaw continues to grow for many years afterward. Because of this, treatment to correct certain jaw and bite problems may be faster and easier with early, rather than late, intervention, while there’s still some growth happening in the upper jaw.

Second, a child at this age still has many baby teeth, meaning the permanent teeth have not fully come in. This gives orthodontists the opportunity to see things like how they will come in, if there’s room in the mouth for all of them, and if there are extra teeth or missing teeth. He or she can then address those problems early if needed.

Finally, the orthodontist has an opportunity to discuss the child’s sleep patterns, if relevant. Children who snore may have airway obstructions, leading to poor quality of sleep, and this is something that can be discussed and corrected early, rather than leaving it to worsen for years.

Though it’s recommended that all children see the orthodontist by this age, the vast majority of them – about 80% – won’t need any type of orthodontic treatment at this point.

One-Phase Versus Two-Phase Treatment

For the remaining 20% who would benefit from early intervention, again, their treatment is often more successful when started earlier, for the reasons mentioned above. Typically, these children undergo two-phase treatment. The first phase focuses on the jaw, how the upper and lower jaw fit together, and how the teeth come in, and may involve appliances such as an expander, headgear, or a functional appliance. The second phase focuses on the alignment of teeth, and typically involves braces.

Children whose issues don’t require early intervention will go through one-phase treatment, i.e., braces, usually in the pre-teen or teenage years, often around age 12.

There’s No “Right” Age for Everyone

Hopefully, you can see now that orthodontic care is about more than simply straightening teeth and that the best age to start treatment can vary from child to child. Take your child to the orthodontist for a visit by the age of seven and if you’re unsure of the orthodontist’s proposed treatment plan, get a second opinion to be sure. Two-phase treatment, if needed, could end up being the most cost-effective, quickest, and least painful treatment option available in the long run, as long as it’s done early enough.

Mouth emergencies… and what can wait

There are few things that constitute true emergencies when it comes to oral and dental health. Most things, like broken or lost retainers, poking wires from braces, and sore gums, can be addressed within a few days and don’t require immediate attention. But there are some cases where immediate medical or dental attention is necessary. Here’s how to tell the difference.

Seek Treatment ASAP If: You Have Severe Pain with Symptoms of Infection  

An infection in the mouth can sometimes spread to other areas of the body. In the worst-case scenario, this can lead to sepsis, which can be fatal. Signs of infection that have spread include fever, rapid breathing, abnormally high or low blood pressure, and/or confusion. Symptoms in the mouth include severe pain, swelling in the gums or the face, bad breath, and pus or fluids coming from the infected area.

If you see any combination of these symptoms, go to the emergency department for treatment immediately. Don’t “wait and see” if things improve. Infections can spread quickly and cause major long-term damage to the body. Better safe than sorry.

You Can Wait If: Toothache or Soreness from Braces 

Fortunately, most toothache is minor and can wait for treatment. If the pain in your tooth is an annoyance, and you don’t have other accompanying symptoms, it’s safe to wait a day or two to see your dentist.

A minor amount of pain after braces have been put on or tightened is completely normal and shouldn’t necessitate a visit to the dentist at all. The pain can be easily managed at home with ice, dental wax, or an over-the-counter painkiller.

Seek Treatment ASAP If: Your Tooth Was Knocked Out

Falls and blows to the face can lead to a tooth being knocked out, which is a true emergency. The only way to save the tooth is to take immediate action. According to the American Association of Endodontists, the best thing to do is pick up the tooth without touching the exposed root, rinse with water ONLY (no detergents or cleansers) if it’s dirty, and place it back in the socket right away. Hold the tooth in place and keep it moist. If you can’t put it back in your mouth, keep it between your cheek and gums or place it in a cup of milk – never tap water. Ideally, you should see an endodontist or dentist within 30 minutes of losing your tooth for the best chance to save it. If that’s not possible, take a trip to the emergency department.

You Can Wait If: Your Tooth Was Chipped or Broken

You will want to see your dentist as soon as you’re able, but a broken or chipped tooth is not an emergency like a knocked-out tooth. Depending on how the tooth broke, your dentist may be able to repair or rebuild it.

Seek Treatment ASAP If: Cuts to the Mouth Causing Excessive Bleeding

Uncontrolled bleeding in the mouth from cuts should be addressed by a doctor and may require stitches.

You Can Wait If: Bleeding is Minor

Bleeding in the mouth isn’t uncommon, and can be caused by inflamed gums, irritated sores, or minor cuts. If the bleeding is minor and stops on its own, there’s no need to seek immediate treatment. Just make sure to discuss the bleeding you’ve seen when you next see your dentist.

When in Doubt, Seek Treatment

No one wants to go to urgent care or the emergency department, but sometimes that’s the best option. If you’re just not sure if it can wait, and you can’t get a hold of your dentist’s or orthodontist’s office because it’s after hours, seek medical care. It will give you peace of mind and may end up saving your tooth – or even your life.

The Pros and Cons of Invisalign, Clear Braces, and Cosmetic Orthodontic Treatment

A beautiful smile is both desirable and accessible. Adults, now more than ever, are seeking orthodontic treatment to help create the smiles they have always dreamed of.

With so many adults now seeking orthodontic treatment, the question often is, “Do I have to be a ‘metal mouth’?” The answer is no… there are non-traditional, cosmetic, or clear options, including Invisalign, clear braces, lingual braces, instant orthodontics, and accelerated orthodontics.

These non-traditional approaches have their own pros and cons, so I have provided a brief summary of the different choices for you.


Invisalign Pros:

  • It is the most aesthetic option for moving teeth
  • Aligners can be removed for eating
  • It makes teeth cleaning easy

Invisalign Cons:

  • It cannot treat difficult cases
  • Discipline is required to wear the trays all day and night for many months
  • It is often offered by dentists with very limited training, which may lead to less-than-ideal results

Clear Braces

Clear Braces Pros:

  • The system can treat more difficult problems
  • Braces are much clearer than they used to be
  • Braces are virtually unnoticeable in photos

Clear Braces Cons:

  • Braces are slightly less aesthetic than Invisalign
  • Braces are prone to the same problems that conventional braces have, such as poking wires and breakage

Lingual Braces

Lingual Braces Pros:

  • They are more aesthetic than clear braces
  • They can be an alternative to Invisalign for more difficult cases

Lingual Braces Cons:

  • They make speaking more difficult
  • They are not comfortable
  • They are more expensive than other options
  • Treatment can take longer, with more visits

Instant Orthodontics

Instant Orthodontics Pros:

  • This method can quickly restore worn, broken, or discolored teeth
  • Work can be done in weeks instead of months or years

Instant Orthodontics Cons:

  • It is typically by far the most expensive of all options
  • It requires grinding down teeth and replacing them with porcelain
  • It requires several replacements throughout your lifetime
  • It doesn’t typically correct the bite the way traditional orthodontics does

Accelerated Orthodontics

Accelerated Orthodontics Pros:

  • Achieve high-quality treatment in a fraction of the time

Accelerated Orthodontics Cons:

  • Brand names and marketing can be misleading; you may not be getting what you are promised

Contemporary orthodontic treatment offers more options than ever before to avoid metal braces, but keep in mind that every individual is unique and requires a customized treatment plan from a well-trained orthodontist for the best results.

How to Decrease the Cost of Braces

The Cost of Braces: Orthodontic treatment is an investment in health, self-confidence, and the future. It’s a significant monetary investment as well. After doing all the research and asking all the questions to find the right orthodontic provider, navigating the payment arrangements comes next.

Now more than ever, do your due diligence to save money where possible.


Approximately 50 percent of those seeking orthodontic treatment do not have coverage. If you have orthodontic insurance, congratulations!

A few tips for getting the most benefit from your orthodontic insurance:

  • Some insurance policies require a one-year waiting period, so you may have to sign up now for benefits next year
  • If you may be interested in orthodontics in the future, get a free exam and check with your insurance supplier about coverage as soon as possible
  • Beware of DHMO insurances. Although these may look good at first glance and provide little out-of-pocket expense for treatment, they pay very little to the doctor.  This virtually guarantees you will receive lower quality materials and cost-cutting measures, which could provide a less-than-ideal result or experience.  All braces and all doctors are not created equal, so be sure to do your homework if you are looking at an office that accepts DHMO insurance for treatment.
  • Find the doctor you like because, for almost all orthodontic insurance, you will still get the same insurance benefit for in- or out-of-network doctors
  • Ask your orthodontist for a complimentary benefits check

Flexible Spending and Health Savings Accounts

FSAs and HSAs allow the use of pretax dollars for qualified health-care expenses, which include orthodontics. Both types of accounts are a significant tax advantage and can be the most powerful way to save money on orthodontic treatment.

A few things to remember:

  • FSA funds expire each year, so pay attention to your company’s deadlines
  • Most companies require you to let them know ahead of time how much you would like to set aside
  • If your employer does not provide access to an FSA account, ask a financial planner if you can participate in an HSA account. These accounts actually allow you to save significantly more money per year toward health care expenses and also do not expire at the end of each year.
  • Know your enrollment periods; failing to sign up in time could cost you significantly more in after-tax dollars to pay for your treatment

Flexible Financing

Most offices will offer several options to pay for treatment, which may include:

  1. Paying in full to receive a certain percentage off
  2. Making a down payment and taking on one to two years of monthly payments
  3. Opting for an extended financing plan

Avoid Hidden Fees

If you opt for an extended financing plan, watch for missed payment fees or surprise charges. You also shouldn’t need to pay higher than a 7 or 8 percent APR for an extended payment plan. Shorter payment plans are available with a 0 percent APR.

When comparing orthodontists’ prices, look closely at the cheapest. Many offices offer low prices up front but hit you with fees later in treatment, making the total cost much higher. Fees for broken brackets, missed appointments, and cancellations and extra charges for retainers and the like can dramatically increase your total cost.  Also, it is safe to assume that cheaper treatment fees are made possible by cheaper materials, lesser trained orthodontic team members, and other cost-cutting.

Also, beware of any office that charges additional monthly fees after a certain point. For example, many lower-priced offices will charge extra if treatment extends beyond twenty-four months—creating an incentive for them to keep your braces on longer.

Fixing Bad Treatment

Not all braces are not created equal. Many cheap braces are made of cheap metals and lower-grade metals are much more likely to create irritation and sensitivity in patients.  Cutting corners in manufacturing makes braces inconsistent in their dimension which makes treatment take longer or will compromise the quality of the results.

Consider quality while shopping because the cheapest orthodontic treatment in town may come with a significant hidden cost in dollars, time, comfort, and your end-results.

The time, energy, and dollars you are spending on dental health, a new smile, and a healthy bite are investments that should last a lifetime. Use insurance, spending/savings accounts, flexible financing, while wisely avoiding hidden fees and the cost of fixing bad treatment, to maximize your investment.